Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Unhappily Ever After

Dear Unhappily Married People,

Why do you stay with people who don't treat you right? If your relationship is one sided, you don't get the support or love you need, and most importantly...if the person you're with is not willing to seek help or attempt to change, why do you bother? If you have kids, you're not doing them any favors by staying together. They'll pick up on your stress and may even suffer from your distraction from your miserable marriage. You loathe watching other couples enjoy each other and desperately wish you had the kind of relationship they did. Things aren't going to you want to be miserable for the rest of you're life because you're still holding out hope?I've seem too many friends and relatives suffer through this, and more than anything I want to say: "Move the fuck on...come to terms with the fact that you either settled for this person or that they're too much of an asshole to want to work on themselves to make your marriage work." UGH!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

CAPS Junkies

Dear CAPS lock junkies,

DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW ANNOYING THIS IS?? I get a migraine just reading your posts, comments, etc. It's like you're constantly screaming, and it makes me cringe thinking about talking to you face to face. I'm beginning to wonder if it's a disguise for your lack of knowledge on when to properly capitalize. Or perhaps you think everything you say needs to be emphasized. I can assure you, it does not. Please stop. It's annoying, and makes you look like an idiot.

And that also goes for people who improperly use CAPS. This does not make sense: I need TO go to THE store to PICK UP SOME Vagisil and Clorox WIPES. Wtf?

Dear Bitches from HS...

Dear Bitches from High School (you know who you are),
I feel sorry for you. I watch you waste away your lives despertately trying to continue to be as "cool" as you were in high school. I have news for's not working. You were not cool in high school. You were mean, stuck up, and slutty. Since most people weren't willing to tell this to you to your face, you continued to assume that everyone's resentment towards you was jealousy. I can assure you, it was not. Sadly, you're just as much a waste of oxygen as you were back then. Do you honestly think that partying like you're 18 when you're almost 30 is making something of your life?
And while I've put forth a great deal of effort in distancing myself from the likes of you as soon as I had the opportunity, I still somehow have the joy of being presented with your shallow lives via mutual friends on FB. And yet, I can't help but be slutty, slutty pirates. Grow the fuck up.